Give It A Shot – Waterloo Grape Sparkling Water

The impetus for this episode occurred during some of our live-streaming banter a couple of Thursday’s ago. As many of you know, we are on Twitch.TV/aboutbeverages most Thursday nights. We are usually chatting with each other, interacting with our viewers, recording a podcast or two, doing some gameplay, and in general having a great time. Often, we will discuss the various beverages we have had during the week and we always have something that we are trying as we open our show. A few weeks ago, we were trying a particular type of flavored sparkling water, with each of us enjoying a different flavor. While we were drinking them, we started looking at their website to see what other flavors they had to offer. Two of them in particular caught our attention and we have one of them for this episode. Today we are trying the Waterloo Sparkling Water Grape flavor. All of their flavors have no calories, sugar, or sodium, but we are very hopeful that this one will have plenty of deliciousness. What did we think? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below or join us live on Thursday nights to give us your feedback while we are live streaming on Twitch.
If you have any ideas for future episodes of “Give It A Shot” or just have a question, you can always send us an email to
You may click on the media player to listen directly on our website, right click the link below to download and listen to it later, or subscribe to us and never miss an episode. Enjoy!
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Here are the links to the things we talked about during the podcast.