Give It A Shot – Streetside Brewery Cereal Milk Dunkelweizen

At first glance a beer that makes a flavor connection to cereal might seem a little strange. However, if one takes a moment to consider how many seemingly crazy concoctions, connections, and creations are made these days in the craft beer world it doesn’t seem so strange at all. It is important to have those go-to styles and old favorites to choose from, but it is just plain fun (and usually tasty) when breweries challenge our palates and perceptions with beers featuring sour patch kids, edible glitter, and gummy worms. These styles may not be for everyone, so we ask you to keep an open mind the next time someone offers you a beer that may initially seem off-putting. At the very least, we hope the next time someone offers you a podcast episode featuring a beer that also tastes like cereal milk you are at least willing to give it a listen. As fate would have it, we are doing just that as this week we will be trying the Cereal Milk from Streetside Brewery in Cincinnati Ohio. This beer is a Dunkelweizen and has an ABV of 5.5%. According to their website it “began its life as one of our weirder beer ideas and has turned into a Streetside cult hit.” What did we think? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below or join us live on Thursday nights to give us your feedback while we are live streaming on Twitch. If you have any ideas for future episodes of “Give It A Shot” or just have a question, you can always send us an email to
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