Give It A Shot – Pepsi Nitro Original and Vanilla Draft Cola

There are many different ways we come up with the ideas or themes for our podcasts. We have done listener polls, taken suggestions from people on Twitch and had things sent to us to try by the people who made them. Sometimes they are thought out in advance, often they come from Trader Joe’s and sometimes they tie into a holiday or National Day of Celebration such as National Beer Day. These are only a few examples of how our shows come to be. Then there is also the way that the beverages were chosen for this podcast; spur of the moment. Keith was shopping at a local grocery store when he just happened to turn around and see these two sodas. He took a picture, sent it to Andrew for his opinion, and voila, a podcast was born. For this episode we will be trying the Pepsi Nitro Draft Soda in both regular and vanilla form. It is the first ever nitrogen infused cola and according to them “it’s more than a cola, it’s an experience.” What did we think? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below or join us live on Thursday nights to give us your feedback while we are live streaming on Twitch. If you have any ideas for future episodes of “Give It A Shot” or just have a question, you can always send us an email to
You may click on the media player to listen directly on our website, right click the link below to download and listen to it later, or subscribe to us and never miss an episode. Enjoy!
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Here are the links to the things we talked about during the podcast.