We love coffee. Working at Arbuckle Coffee as Keith and I did (I still do) for so many years is what set us on the journey to open up our palates. We also love things that have been barrel aged. I don’t have any good historical tie in for that but I do have an equation that seems appropriate. Barrel aging = delicious. The folks at Modern Times in Point Loma, California have brought those two loves together in a rather unique way. At the tasting table today we have their Madeira Barrel Aged Colombian Coffee. How do they do it? They take green unroasted coffee beans and age them in a Madeira wine barrel for as long as they feel necessary. Time to taste and see if some additional character is brought to the coffee or it’s simply bean there done that. If you have any ideas for future episodes of “Give It A Shot” or just have a question, you can always send us an email to AboutBeverages@q.com.
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Here are the links to the things we talked about during the podcast.
Tasting Notes – Modern Times Madeira Barrel Aged Colombian Coffee
Modern Times Blog about Barrel Aged Coffee