Give It A Shot – Ernest Rapeneau Brut Champagne
Use this episode to help you make a selection for a special occasion this year.
Give It A Shot – Lagavulin Distiller’s Edition 2023
We will be ringing in 2024 by carrying on one of our favorite traditions at About Beverages.
Give It A Shot – Trader Joe’s Gran Reserva Maule Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2020
A bottle of wine is almost always an appropriate gift to bring and one varietal we enjoy year round is Cabernet Sauvignon.

Give It A Shot – Modern Times Beer Protocosmos IPA

Recently, Andrew and I had a discussion on how far the concept of beer in a can has come in the last 8 to 10 years. Most of your finer craft beers found on store shelves at that time came in brown bottles, with a few craft brewers dabbling with putting their beers in cans. It was so unusual, that we actually did a blind taste test comparing the same beer in a can and in a bottle. You can go back into the archives at our site to see what we actually chose. (I just did!) Type in “Trout Slayer” in the “What are you thirsty for?” box and you will be able to listen to our podcast on the subject. Audio only for this one as it was almost 10 years ago now that we tried them. Nowadays, while you can still find craft beer in bottles, cans dominate the shelves, especially in the 12 to 16 ounce size range. Why have we chosen this particular time to have this discussion, you may ask? The answer is because for this episode we will be trying a beer that comes in a can, but the size of this can checks in at 19.3 ounces. This size is becoming more and more common, so is the 22 ounce bomber-size can far behind? We can’t say for certain, but what we can say is that for this episode we will be trying the Protocosmos IPA from Modern Times Brewing. When this beer originally came out a few years ago it was in a bottle, bomber style. It features Galaxy, Ahtanum and Centennial hops and checks in at 7% ABV. What did we think? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below or join us live on Thursday nights to give us your feedback while we are live streaming on Twitch.

Recently, Andrew and I had a discussion on how far the concept of beer in a can has come in the last 8 to 10 years. Most of your finer craft beers found on store shelves at that time came in brown bottles, with a few craft brewers dabbling with putting their beers in cans. It was so unusual, that we actually did a blind taste test comparing the same beer in a can and in a bottle. You can go back into the archives at our site to see what we actually chose. (I just did!) Type in “Trout Slayer” in the “What are you thirsty for?” box and you will be able to listen to our podcast on the subject. Audio only for this one as it was almost 10 years ago now that we tried them. Nowadays, while you can still find craft beer in bottles, cans dominate the shelves, especially in the 12 to 16 ounce size range. Why have we chosen this particular time to have this discussion, you may ask? The answer is because for this episode we will be trying a beer that comes in a can, but the size of this can checks in at 19.3 ounces. This size is becoming more and more common, so is the 22 ounce bomber-size can far behind? We can’t say for certain, but what we can say is that for this episode we will be trying the Protocosmos IPA from Modern Times Brewing. When this beer originally came out a few years ago it was in a bottle, bomber style. It features Galaxy, Ahtanum and Centennial hops and checks in at 7% ABV.  What did we think? What do you think?  Let us know in the comments below or join us live on Thursday nights to give us your feedback while we are live streaming on Twitch. 

If you have any ideas for future episodes of “Give It A Shot” or just have a question, you can always send us an email to AboutBeverages@gmail.com.

You may click on the media player to listen directly on our website, right click the link below to download and listen to it later, or subscribe to us and never miss an episode. Enjoy! 

Link Lounge

Here are the links to the things we talked about during the podcast.
