Give It A Shot – Macallan Double Cask 12 Year Single Malt Scotch

We are always happy when we receive suggestions about beverages that we should try. We are even happier when that suggestion is accompanied by an actual sample of the beverage itself. We are downright ecstatic when that sample is a full (almost) bottle of Scotch. As luck would have it that is exactly the situation we have today as we will be trying the Macallan Double Cask 12 Year Single Malt Scotch. Andrew was given this bottle by someone who tried it and found that he had yet to develop an appreciation for its flavor profile. Knowing that Andrew enjoyed Scotch and had a beverage focused podcast he gave it to Andrew who immediately decided that we should try it for one of our shows. This whisky spends time in both European and American sherry seasoned oak casks and comes in at 43% ABV. What did we think? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below or join us live on Thursday nights to give us your feedback while we are live streaming on Twitch. If you have any ideas for future episodes of “Give It A Shot” or just have a question, you can always send us an email to
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