Give It A Shot – Kaiyo Japanese Mizunara Oak Signature Whisky

Change is a part of life. Change is inevitable. When it’s time to change, you’ve got to rearrange. Whether it is a quote, a cliché, or lyrics from a Brady Bunch song, all of these things are true. As Cubs fans know all too well, change was on display last week as a championship era came swiftly and somewhat surprisingly to an end. We were forced to say goodbye to players we loved to watch play and that we feel we came to know. We wish them well with their new teams and we hope that the Cubs next championship era is on the way sooner than later. Now back to the beverage world as we return to one thing that hasn’t changed; our appreciation for and desire to try Japanese whisky. We have tried several over the past year and each one we try fosters a desire to keep looking for more. On this week’s show we will be trying the Kaiyo Japanese Mizunara Oak Signature Whisky. Aged in Mizunara oak, this whisky is un-chill filtered and comes in at 43% ABV. What did we think? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below or join us live on Thursday nights to give us your feedback while we are live streaming on Twitch.
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