Brewery Ommegang brings a new for 2014 summer seasonal to the tasting table today. Not wanting to stray too far from its Belgian roots the Fleur De Houblon does diverge somewhat and add in some extra hop character. The name itself means hop flowers and the hop of choice for this brew is Bravo. Normally used in IPAs and Pale Ales, this particular hop looks to bring some fruit and floral to the party and maybe even a hint of earthiness. The ABV is slightly in question as the website lists it at 5.8% but the bottle says 6.8%. Either way it’s time to taste and see if this summer beer is befitting of the warm days ahead. If you have any ideas for future episodes of “Give It A Shot” or just have a question, you can always send us an email to
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Tasting Notes – Brewery Ommegang Fleur De Houblon