Give It A Shot – Ernest Rapeneau Brut Champagne
Use this episode to help you make a selection for a special occasion this year.
Give It A Shot – Lagavulin Distiller’s Edition 2023
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Give It A Shot – Trader Joe’s Gran Reserva Maule Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2020
A bottle of wine is almost always an appropriate gift to bring and one varietal we enjoy year round is Cabernet Sauvignon.

Dave’s “So Cal” Blog – Reference Chardonnay

I want to preface this by saying I’ve been enjoying Sauvignon Blancs, particularly from Australia and Santa Barbara.  I had drifted away from the ubiquitous Chardonnay for some time, until the other day…

My wife came home from shopping and suggested I try this $5.99 Chard she picked up at the store.  Being up for the challenge, I looked at the label and saw it was from Napa.  So I popped the cork, gave it a pour and a swirl.  The nose immediately brought me back 20 years to my first Chardonnay.  I was back in Napa at Sterling Vineyards doing my first wine tasting, comparing different white wines. On the taste was the classic oaky/buttery taste and feel, “sensation” if you will.  I was taught this is what a classic Chardonnay from Napa looks, smells (“the nose”), tastes and feels like.  Wow!  It felt like my first Chard!  As for the finish, smooth and satisfying – I had found my “Reference Chardonnay.” The “Reference” part of this refers to the standard (look, nose, feel and taste) that was set at my first wine tasting.  This is what I compare other Chardonnays against.  Needless to say, the bottle did not make it through the evening.  To give you another example of a “reference” varietal, in my opinion, is that a classic Sauvignon Blanc should have a “grassy” nose and taste.  Maybe that’s why I like the Sauv Blancs from Australia and Santa Barbara. 

Ironically, I sensed for some time my tastes were drifting back to Chardonnays from Sauvignon Blancs.  This chardonnay was a very pleasant surprise – especially for $5.99 a bottle!  Are there Chards out there with a bigger finish, more fruit, and less butter/oak?  Absolutely, but this works for me and I look forward to enjoying my Reference Chard for as long as it’s available. This chardonnay is under the Napa River Label, 2007 Vintage at Trader Joe’s.  What’s your reference Chard?  Add a comment to this post or have a seat at The Round Table and start a discussion.

Imbibe with impunity,


Next:  My Ultimate Manhattan


View Comments (1)

  • This is a great chard and the price only makes it better! It is a little tough to find the 2007 now, but you should try the 2008. It does not have everything that the 2007 has, but still makes a great pairing for some foods and may age well. What do you think?