This show originally aired on May 26th of 2009. With the intense Summer heat still beating down on us, what better time then to make some refreshing iced tea! In this episode we read some listener email and talk about why sun tea may not be the safest way to brew tea. …
One of the great things about trying so many different beverages not only for our site, but also for our own enjoyment, is that you build up a “sensory database” if you will. You begin to pinpoint more precisely what exactly you are experiencing with each beverage. Case in point is the tea…
The following are two articles worth reading. The first is an article about a review published online in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. They went through 51 studies involving the health benefits of green tea over the last twenty years. I know you'll be very surprised to find out that…
Two new studies released just today show a link between caffeine consumption and the treatment or prevention of Alzheimer's disease. Researchers in Florida found that a daily dose of 500 milligrams of caffeine helped to reverse memory issues in mice. That's the equivalent of five 8 ounce cups of coffee. Click…
Here is an interesting article about some research being done by a team led by Neil Kay at the Mayo Clinic. The team is working on killing leukamia cells with epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) an antioxidant found in green tea. The second link is just some general information about EGCG and green tea. …
Welcome to Episode 5 of the Podcast! In this episode we read some listener email and talk about why sun tea may not be the safest way to brew tea. We then go to the tasting room where we will be trying four different teas in two different ways; hot and over…
Researchers at the Institute of Food Technologists have found that as green tea ages its antioxidants begin to lose their healthful benefits. The study indicates that a storage time of more than six months in warehouses, stores or even the home could adversely impact tea’s potential health benefits. Click the link for the…
The answer to the question that's been keeping us up at night, "What tea does the President drink?" has finally been answered. Note to self, if available purchase stock in that company.
President Obama's Tea of Choice