This show originally aired on September 7th 2009. This particular Rough Draughts featured outtakes from our “Gin” podcast. The bulk of our conversation was about gin, but the first outtake is in reference to our previous podcast about smoothies. Not a smoothie we tried per say, but an interesting ingredient people have…
This show originally aired February 24th 2009. It was the very first audio recording we ever did for the site. You can definitely tell how far we’ve come in production value alone. We hope. In the first episode we will be giving you a little information about us and helping you…
This show originally aired July 26th of 2010. In this installment we will dive head first into the question that needs to be answered. Do decaf drinkers need to be short changed when it comes to the flavor of their coffee? To answer this question we will discuss the many processes used…
This show originally aired on May 26th of 2009. With the intense Summer heat still beating down on us, what better time then to make some refreshing iced tea! In this episode we read some listener email and talk about why sun tea may not be the safest way to brew tea. …
Today we have not only a new beer at the tasting table, but also a new brewery to go along with it. We decided to double down on our IPA quotient and try the Hop Therapy Double IPA from Rough Draft Brewing. We normally don’t do this, but to give you an idea…
If you are in the mood for something out of the ordinary and all you’ve had as of late are summer beers, then their is no brewery better to turn to then Dogfish Head. The off-centered ale that hits our tasting table today is their Sah’Tea. The traditional beer this is inspired by…
Somehow in the “What’s on tap” feature we neglected to tell everyone to “Come on and take a Freeride” APA from Alaskan Brewing. How that musical connection with The Edgar Winter Group was missed is beyond us, but hey it happens. The connection that we hope is not missed is between a great…
New Mexico’s oldest microbrewery brings us our latest seasonal beer to the tasting table. The Freestyle Pilsner from Santa Fe Brewing also checks another box for us as it helps us continue our search for a great beer in a can. What could be better during the summer then being able to head…
Shipyard Brewing has a long history with our site. It goes all the way back to 2009 when we first had their Pumpkinhead beer as part of our Autumn Season Beers podcast. It took us by surprise how much we enjoyed it. That began a trend of seasonal pumpkin beer shows where…
Let the Summer Seasonal Beer Shows begin! This is the first of many over the next few weeks where we will be tracking down some of the newest (at least to us) seasonal beers made for Summer. The hope in trying all of these beers is to find something that is not only…