Now this sounds like a study I could throw my weight behind. Not that I’m overweight mind you, but I do like to relax when possible with either a TV show or say six straight hours of L.A. Noire. In another study that can be thrown into the “What else can resveratrol do…
People with heart rhythm issues are usually told to avoid caffeinated beverages of any kind. Overall that is still probably the best advice but a new study shows that people who reported drinking four or more cups of coffee a day had an almost 18% reduction in the risk of being …

It is time once again for our “Give It A Shot” podcast where we share with you, our valued listener, something we discovered that needs to be shared immediately. As always, we would love to hear from you! Let us know about something that you have had recently and we will be happy to…
If you thought there was nothing left to infuse vodka with you were wrong. The makers of White Lotus Vodka are jumping on the put vitamins in everything bandwagon and are adding vitamin-B to their vodka. They say research shows it offers some hangover reduction. Needless to say the nutritionist they…
An interesting article from the Washington post that summarizes a lot of the research over the past several years regarding coffee and the good effects on your health. It also goes into some of the effects caffeine can have on different people. The most interesting point (and the reason for the…
It seems some people are in the right place at the right time. Like the 95 participants in this study who got to have free alcohol for a couple of days and then fill out a questionnaire about how they felt. They also had to perform some tasks to test their cognitive…
Welcome to Episode 8 of the Podcast! In this episode we will be going over the smoothie basics: What makes a good smoothie and how you can get the most health benefits while still maintaining good flavor. Then we go right to the tasting room where we will be blending up…
As you may have heard by now, our next podcast is about smoothies. In a sense, for this episode, we will be "Smoothie Operators." One of the components that we will be using in two of them is a "Superfood" called kefir. While this wonderful beverage is becoming more commonplace, there are probably some…
More studies have surfaced about the effects of resveratrol helping to control inflamation. The researchers found that resveratrol helps prevent the body from creating two different molecules known to trigger inflamation. Click on the link for the full article filled with large scientific words.
Scientists Uncork Potential Secret Of Red Wine's…
The following are two articles worth reading. The first is an article about a review published online in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. They went through 51 studies involving the health benefits of green tea over the last twenty years. I know you'll be very surprised to find out that…