It had been such a long time since we had any outtakes worth sharing with you and now on back to back Mondays you get new episodes of “Rough Draughts”. These outtakes are all from the Episode 20 Session Beer podcast we did in late September. Even with all the information in that episode we still had some left over to make this other podcast. It’s mostly more beer brewing and tasting discussion mixed with some humor. Speaking of beer brewing, if you are at all interested in even more in depth discussion into the art of brewing and all that entails, you need to check out Mr. Beer Radio. The show is hosted by Diane and Eric, (You heard Eric on our Session Beer podcast and anytime we say our brewmaster friend that’s who we mean) and contains a wealth of information. We should also mention that they have been kind enough to have us on their show a few times so we like that too. This tiny “sip” of a podcast should help to tide you over until our next “Give It A Shot” where we will be comparing pasteurized and unpasteurized tangerine juice.
You may click on the media player to listen directly on our website, right click the link below to download and listen to it later, or subscribe to us and never miss an episode. Enjoy!
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Here is the link to the Mr. Beer Community page where you can find their podcast.
Mr. Beer Community Page & Podcast Podcast: Episode 20 – Session Beer