It is time once again for our “Give It A Shot” podcast where we share with you, our valued listener, something we discovered that needs to be shared immediately. If you have any ideas for future episodes of “Give It A Shot” or just have a question, you can always send us an email to As much as I give Keith a hard time about his lack of enthusiasm towards barleywines, I sure do get him to try an awful lot of them. In fact the Samuel Adams Griffin’s Bow we are trying today is one that he brought over. I’m sure it was because this one is a little different since it is characterized as an oaked blonde barleywine. It’s also possible that he’s just a glutton for punishment. If anyone picked up a bottle based on my post for Sunday and is trying it while listening to the podcast, let us know in the comments section what you think.
You may click on the media player to listen directly on our website, right click the link below to download and listen to it later, or subscribe to us and never miss an episode. Enjoy!
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Here are the links to the things we talked about during the podcast.
Tasting Notes – Samuel Adams Griffin’s Bow Barleywine