Give It A Shot – Oak Creek Brewing Hefeweizen
Normally a Hefeweizen is not the style of beer we gravitate toward this time of year. Not that it’s not a good one, but usually we are more on the lookout for the darker things that find there way to the shelves. All of that changes when a loyal listener to the show (Gary) hands us an Oak Creek Brewing Hefeweizen and says to “Give It A Shot”. Opening in February of 1995 this microbrewery located in Sedona, Arizona has won its fare share of awards at not only the North American Brewers’ Association competition, but also the Great American Beer Fest. Now its time to head to the tasting table and experience their take on a classic Bavarian wheat beer. If you have any ideas for future episodes of “Give It A Shot” or just have a question, you can always send us an email to
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